Tag Archives: portion size

Super Bowl Spread Swaps

The big game is approaching. For many, this day brings together family and friends to watch one of the greatest sports events of the year, but sitting around the living room with an abundance of food also brings us one of the largest calorie-consuming feasts of the year. Research by the Calorie Control Council (CCC) […]

13 Study Snacks for College Students

This summer, FEED had the pleasure of having a University of Michigan sophomore work with us and provide first-hand knowledge of navigating college life with celiac disease. Read on for her recommendations for study snacks for college students that will keep you full and focused: Starting Freshman year in college is an extremely exciting, yet […]

Turkey Talk: Thanksgiving with FEED

Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season– a time in which, on average, Americans gain between 5-7 pounds. Rather than becoming a statistic, start your holidays off right by making healthful choices to manage your calorie intake. Check out our tips, and learn how to enjoy the time with family and friends– without over-doing it! […]

How to bring HEALTHY into your Halloween – Without making you scared!

Halloween is just around the corner. Our candy buckets will soon be overflowing with chocolate, gooey, chewy, sugar-loaded morsels, most of which will stick around our pantry through most of the winter months ahead. These little calorie-packed diet bombs can be the demise to the best laid healthy eating plans for you and your kids. […]

Get the FACTS about the Nutrition Facts

Confused by the food label? Do you know what to look for to make a healthful choice for you and your family? Look no further! Check out these quick tips from FEED on how to sort the MYTHS from the (nutrition) FACTS. What is the first thing to look for when choosing foods on the […]

Superbowl Sunday Calorie Smack Down!

The big game is approaching. To many, this day brings together family and friends to watch one of the greatest sports events of the year. But also, sitting around the living room with an abundance of food brings us one of the largest calorie-consuming feasts of the year. Research by the Calorie Control Council (CCC) […]