Tag Archives: salad

How to Make Your Own Salad Dressing

Salad season is upon us! It’s time to ditch store-bought salad dressings and embrace one that’s homemade. This allows you to control the ingredients and avoid any unnecessary additives. Plus, once you understand the basic formula for making a vinaigrette, you’ll never need a recipe again– which is the kind of kitchen short cut we […]

FEED Favorites for SPRING

It’s spring! Time to switch our focus from squash to salad greens! Eating with the seasons ensures you’re getting more nutritious and flavorful produce, plus it benefits the environment, too. Seasonal produce grows with less human “assistance” and is more likely to be produced locally, which reduces the environmental impact of transportation and storage. Also, […]

Spinach vs. Kale: Which is the Greater Green?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends five servings of vegetables each day, with at least one of those servings coming from leafy green vegetables. Vibrantly colorful leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, contain vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds that may help protect against the risk of developing chronic disease. Both spinach and kale are known to […]