Five Healthy Sausage Ideas

Not all sausages are created equal. Luckily, a number sausage brands use high-quality ingredients that are lean, protein-packed and fit a variety of dietary needs. Here are FEED’s favorite sausages for your summertime grillin’ needs:

Trader Joe’s Spicy Jalapeño Chicken Sausage

These Trader Joe’s sausages are nitrate-free, gluten-free and free of animal casing. Pro-tip from FEED founder Lara Field: sausage casings can be natural or artificial. Be sure to read the ingredients on your sausage if you prefer to be casing-free.

The ingredient list is simple and easy to read, and one link has 11 grams of protein with only 100 calories. Try them in our sausage grill packet recipe!

Field Roast’s Artisan Vegan Sausages

Field Roast’s sausages are composed of simple ingredients – expeller pressed safflower and organic palm fruit oils combined with grain meat, fresh vegetables, dried fruits and different spice blends. Their smoked apple and sage sausage has 25 grams of plant-based protein in one tasty link. Fun fact: the Field Roast Frankfurter is on menus at Major League Baseball stadiums in Seattle, San Francisco and Cleveland!

Brat Hans Chicken Sausages

Brat Hans’ sausages are organic, preservative-free and sourced from producers who participate in Global Animal Partnership’s 5-Step® Animal Welfare Rating Standards program. Their Spicy Italian chicken sausage contains 17 grams of protein and is only 130 calories!

Applegate Organic’s The Great Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dog

This hot dog is 100% grass-fed beef and is dairy-free, gluten-free and sugar-free. The simple ingredient list helps consumers feel confident buying a product that often gets a bad rep. No nitrates or nitrites, fillers or artificial ingredients here!

Looking for a low-FODMAP sausage?

Digestive health specialist Kristin Houts recommends two chicken sausages to clients on a low-FODMAP diet: Bilinski’s Spicy Italian and Brat Hans Chicken Bratwurst.

Bilinski’s chicken sausages are certified organic, preservative-free (no nitrates, nitrites, or MSG) and are free of both gluten and soy. One link is only 90 calories with 14 grams of protein! They are also fully cooked for a quick heat-and-eat dinner or safe option at a BBQ when you aren’t the one in charge of the grill.

Lara Field MS, RD, LDN is a Registered Dietitian and Specialist in Pediatrics with over a decade of clinical and client experience. When she’s not actively working to keep her clients healthy, she’s a busy mother of two active boys and loves testing new recipes in her kitchen. Follow her on Instagram to see her recipe ideas, product suggestions, and see how she manages a healthy lifestyle @larafield.